Process for Earning the Doctor of Commissioner Science Knot Award

  1. Complete the College of Commissioner Science requirements for the DCS Degree as listed in the Degree Application and described under “Degrees“.
  2. Complete the College requirements with National’s requirements as printed in the Administration of Commissioner Service manual (PDF, p.128) and on this site (Coordinate with #1).
  3. Attend the Doctor numbered classes 501 to 504, to understand the process for researching and writing the thesis or project.
  4. Under the direction of a thesis adviser assigned by the Council Commissioner, select a thesis / project subject.
  5. Meet at regular intervals with the thesis adviser to discuss progress and set goals.
  6. Time frame for completing the thesis / project is one to two years following the completion of prerequisites in numbers 1 and 2 above.
  7. NOTE:
    1. Thesis advisers should have the college’s DCS degree at a minimum. Better if they have the knot award. And best, if they earned the knot by writing a thesis or doing a project
    2. Thesis advisers also should have taken DCS 505, Being a Thesis, Project Adviser.