Course Catalog 2024

National Courses BCS 101-199, MCS 301-399, DCS 501-599, CED 701-799
These courses are the courses listed at the bottom of the Commissioner Training web page. With minor variations, these courses form the curriculum of Commissioner’s Colleges all across the country.

Nor Cal Specific Courses BCS 201-299, MCS 401-499, DCS 601-699, CED 801-899
These courses were designed to met a need, identified by the Commissioners in our service area, which was not met by the National courses. They are intended to be equal in quality to the nationally identified courses and count equally toward degrees.

Some course numbers may be duplicated. Retired course numbers may be re-used with newer content.

Bachelor Track Courses
Course Number Course Title Description
NAT001 Unit Commissioner Basic Training This session will provide an understanding of the concept of Unit Service. The new Commissioner should be able to recognize the role of the Unit Commissioner and then, Identify the interrelationships and functions of the District. This course should be the first course a new Commissioner takes to understand the basic requirements and expectations of the position.
Learning objectives:
  • Be able to recognize the role of the unit commissioner.
  • Develop an understanding of the concept of Unit Service.
  • Be able to identify the interrelationships and functions of the district.
  • BCS 101 Core Concepts of Unit Service The position of commissioner is one of the oldest in Scouting. This course reviews and reinforces the core concepts of unit service and identifies the key skills needed for commissioners to be able to assess the units they serve.
    Learning objectives:
  • Describe the commissioner’s core concepts.
  • Define and identify the role and types of commissioners.
  • State the key skills needed to be a good commissioner.
  • Apply this new knowledge and understanding for exceptional unit service.
  • BCS 103 Linking District Resources Commissioners are viewed as very knowledgeable and capable individuals, a key part of a commissioner’s job is to link the unit to the district committee. Members of the district committee typically are individuals who can readily access further resources and wisdom to assist the unit.
    Learning objectives:
  • Explain typical district structure and the functions of the district.
  • Know how to use the resources of the district to better support the units they serve.
  • Utilize the Unit Service Plan when assessing the unit needs by identifying district resources.
  • BCS 104 Contacting Units Examines the role of contacts between commissioners and their units. At the heart of unit service are the contacts commissioners make with their units.
    Learning objectives:
  • Describe how the concept of unit service is demonstrated in frequent unit contacts.
  • Identify ways to demonstrate good unit service as we serve as a coach/mentor and representative of the BSA.
  • BCS 105 Resolving Common Unit Issues This course explores the early warning signs of a unit in danger of failing as well as group discussions about how to support problem-solving of some common issues.
    Learning objectives:
  • Identify unit strengths and needs.
  • Understand early warning signals of unit issues.
  • Identify focus areas for observing specific unit needs during regular contacts.
  • BCS 106 Coaching Leaders Discusses the new Coaching model and how to use it to better serve their units.
    Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the importance of coaching.
  • Employ coaching methods to address different situations.
  • Evaluate options for resolution.
  • BCS 108 Mining Internet Resources Commissioners are asked many questions and assumed to be experts on everything. Although they may wish to be an expert, knowing where to find information can make them a virtual expert. Today we will concentrate not on the local “who do you call” but on using the internet, in effect, mining internet resources.
    Learning objectives:
  • Recognize internet resources with good information.
  • Select reliable websites.
  • Summarize internet resources for unit and commissioner use.
  • BCS 112 Recruiting New Commissioners Recruiting is an ongoing need. Every commissioner has a part in the process. This course describes a process for the identification and recruitment of commissioners.
    Learning objectives:
  • Identify and recruit candidates for unit service.
  • Know the 5 P’s of recruiting.
  • Understand the method for recruiting commissioners.
  • BCS 114 Understanding and Communicating with Today’s Leaders Commissioners need to understand the differences in relating to the generations involved in scouting and inclusiveness. This course encourages understanding between the different generations – particularly Generation X and Millennials – to help commissioners better communicate with their units.
    Learning objectives:
  • Identify the characteristics of generations within Scouting’s leaders.
  • Understand the differences in relating to generations involved in scouting.
  • Embrace the differences and similarities to make the scouting program stronger.
  • BCS 117 The Commissioner and the Unit Key 3 This course examines the roles of the Unit Key 3, the role of the unit commissioner and the relationship developed through communication, collaboration and assessment.
    Learning objectives:
  • Identify the roles of the unit Key 3.
  • Understand the need to create a working bond between the unit Key 3 and the unit commissioner.
  • BCS 150 Roundtables In Unit Service An effective roundtable is vital to the success of all unit service. This course reviews and reinforces how roundtables fit into the unit service structure by providing roundtable services to units and unit leaders.
    Learning objectives:
  • Understand the commissioner’s core concepts.
  • List the functions of roundtable in providing unit service.
  • Discuss how roundtable fits into unit service.
  • Illustrate how to facilitate unit service before during and after roundtables.
  • BCS 151 The Roundtable Commissioner Team Examines the role of contacts between commissioners and their units. At the heart of unit service are the contacts commissioners make with their units.
    Learning objectives:
  • Describe how the concept of unit service is demonstrated in frequent unit contacts
  • Identify ways to demonstrate good unit service as we serve as a coach/mentor and representative of the BSA
  • BCS 202 Chartering and Membership Challenges in 2025 Chartered organizations must submit applications to local councils annually to renew their charters. This fosters a formal, timely plan for regular dialogue between the chartered organizations and BSA, and assures membership is current so Scouts can participate in Scouting activities and advance in rank. Commissioners participate in and support the timely, error-free completion of the renewal.
    Learning objectives:
  • Explain the stages of charter renewal.
  • Identify the roles of the Unit Commissioner, Charter Organization and Unit Leaders.
  • Know the consequences of non-completion
  • BCS 209 Scoutbook 101 ScoutBook is the BSA’s online unit management tool and helps Scouts, parents and leaders track advancement and milestone achievements along the Scouting trail. This course offers a basic understanding of the program. Learning Objectives:
  • Attendance
  • Dues recording
  • Advancement
  • Master Track Courses
    Course Number Course Title Description
    MCS 303 Managing Unit Service at the District Level Managing unit service in the district is the main responsibility of the District Commissioner who is aided in this task by various Assistant District Commissioners. This course will discusses the modules available in Commissioner Tools so that they can enhance the ability to support the unit.
    Learning objectives:
  • Understand what information a District Commissioner needs to know to manage unit service.
  • Know where to find this information.
  • Know how to apply the information to manage unit service.
  • MCS 304 Service to Units at Risk Early detection and systematic problem-solving is critical to support units when they encounter problems which may prevent them from functioning effectively. This class will provide the commissioner with ways to identify these units and to discuss the processes needed to support the unit’s move toward performing as an effective scouting unit.
    Learning objectives:
  • Define Units at risk.
  • Explain the processes of support.
  • Identify the responsibilities of Commissioners.
  • MCS 305 Resolving Critical Unit Issues This course will hone the Commissioner’s skills in assessing units, determining their strengths and weaknesses, and in developing plans to improve the functioning of the unit. When collaborating with the unit Key 3, the Commissioner may be able to help identify critical issues and keep the unit from becoming an “At-Risk” unit
    Learning objectives:
  • Identify when a unit has a critical issue.
  • Work thru process to develop action
  • Provide practical experience in solving issues.
  • MCS 306 Mentoring Skills Mentoring is a long term relationship in which one individual supports and guides the personal or professional growth and development of another. Mentoring is an essential skill of a commissioner and this course will provide tools for commissioners to use when mentoring others. This course will also explore the similarities and subtle differences between mentoring and coaching.
    Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the role of a mentor.
  • Understand mentoring methods.
  • Discuss building the mentoring relationship.
  • MCS 307 Serving Newly Formed Units An engaged commissioner is critical for the success and retention of new units. Commissioners designated as a new-unit commissioner focus on only new units, preferably a single unit to which they have been assigned.
    Learning objectives:
  • Define the role of the new-unit commissioner.
  • Understand the partnership between the Unit Commissioner and the new unit organizer.
  • Recognize the importance of the Unit Service Plan.
  • Understand how coaching supports new unit leaders.
  • Identify new-unit commissioner training opportunities.
  • MCS 309 Good Commissioners Need Both Head and Heart This course discusses how the servant leadership concept is carried out in service to units using your head and heart.
    Learning objectives:
  • Define the role of a commissioner relative to the unit’s leadership.
  • Learn how to engage units to identify unit needs.
  • Understand unit culture.
  • MCS 312 Recruiting for the 21st Century All commissioners are responsible for recruiting other commissioners. This course familiarizes commissioners on the considerations and techniques that support recruiting volunteers who represent the generations of the 21st century.
    Learning objectives:
  • Understand the importance of recruiting.
  • Describe the motivations of volunteers.
  • Identify the attributes of a 21st century volunteer.
  • Know a method for recruitment.
  • MCS 313 Onboarding Commissioners Explain why we onboard commissioners into their new position and discuss who is responsible for ensuring that onboarding happens. Discusses the onboarding process and how it is to be completed.
    Learning objectives:
  • Explain why we onboard commissioners.
  • Know who is responsible for onboarding.
  • Discuss what is included in the onboarding process.
  • Verify and ensure training is entered and recorded.
  • MCS 314 The Commissioner and the Professional This course discusses the relationship between the commissioner and the professional and how they can work closely together to reach the common goal of providing quality service to units.
    Learning objectives:
  • Discuss the elements of a positive and productive volunteer-professional relationship.
  • Discover opportunities to work together to support unit success.
  • Describe examples of a successful collaborative relationship.
  • MCS 316 The Unit Service Plan The Collaborative Assessment of a unit gives an in-depth picture of the unit, its strengths, and its needs. To work toward making systematic changes in the unit’s service to youth, the Key 3 with the commissioner develops a Unit Service Plan using information from the Collaborative Assessment and other sources.
    Learning objectives:
  • Discuss the purpose of the Unit Service Plan.
  • Understand the process of plan development.
  • Implement the Unit Service Plan.
  • MCS 350 Unit and Roundtable Commissioners Working Together While unit commissioners and roundtable commissioners wear distinct position patches, denoting their field of expertise, both patches feature the wreath of service and for good reason! Unit commissioners and roundtable commissioners work together to ensure unit leaders have the support they need to succeed. “Roundtable is unit service.”
    Learning objectives:
  • Understand how commissioners work collaboratively using the 5 objectives of unit service.
  • Summarize the role unit commissioners play at roundtables.
  • Recognize the unique role roundtables have in identifying unit needs.
  • MCS 352 Roundtable Is Over – Now What? The district roundtable isn’t over when the last chair is put away or when the host has closed the virtual meeting space. There are things that need to be completed to help get ready for the next roundtable. This course discusses the importance of feedback and applying for successful future roundtables.
    Learning objectives:
  • Summarize the steps in the evaluation process.
  • Explain the importance of collecting feedback.
  • Apply collected feedback to adjust plans for future roundtables.
  • Model the evaluation process for units
  • MCS 357 Managing Long Distance Roundtables This course provides an understanding of the current resources available to enhance long distance roundtables.
    Learning objectives:
  • Identify situations where long distance roundtables may be appropriate.
  • Discuss alternate delivery methods for roundtable.
  • Understand the importance of participant interaction while fulfilling the purposes of roundtable.
  • Doctoral Track Courses
    Course Number Course Title Description
    DCS 501 Selecting and Limiting the Scope of Your Doctoral Project/Thesis Think of this as being similar to an Eagle Scout Project or Wood Badge Ticket. Our goal is to have commissioners meet with the successful completion of a thesis or project.
    Learning objectives:
  • Understand the requirements for the Doctorate Degree and the Doctorate of Commissioner Science Knot
  • Understand the difference between a project and a thesis.
  • Identify a Project or Thesis topic and limit the focus to make it achievable.
  • DCS 503 Developing Your Project or Thesis This session covers the Project/Thesis outline and a variety of suggestions for writing and revising the report.
    Learning objectives:
  • Develop your project plan.
  • Develop your thesis.
  • Identify methods of gathering information.
  • DCS 506 Coaching Commissioners Coaching is about relationships. It is the ability to listen, to observe, to share, to support and to engage in a way that will help others solve their own problems, grow as individuals, and attain their full potential. Coaching is the art of helping others arrive at conclusions through their own analysis of the situation and facts.
    Learning objectives:
  • Understand the process of coaching.
  • Discuss the fundamental principles of coaching.
  • Develop effective coaching skills.
  • DCS 512 Recruiting for Diversity How do we ensure that every unit is supported to offer a quality Scouting program? Simple. We recruit and empower enough commissioners for the task. Participants will come to a better understanding of the need for diversity in scouting volunteers as well as ways to work toward recruiting a more diverse commissioner corps.
    Learning objectives:
  • Describe the need for diversity.
  • Understand the definition of diversity.
  • Identify the practices to be added to recruiting practices.
  • DCS 516 The Unit Service Plan and the District This session we will examine the District Commissioner’s role in completing unit service plans and how the district committee plays a key role in service plan completion.
    Learning objectives:
  • Discuss the importance of developing a Unit Service Plan.
  • Identify the district commissioner’s role in the successful completion of Unit Service Plans.
  • Understand the role of the district committee in successfully completing a unit service plan.
  • Continuing Education Track Courses
    Course Number Course Title Description
    CED 811 Advanced Scoutbook As the BSA’s online unit management tool ScoutBook helps Scouts, parents and leaders track a Scout’s advancement and milestone achievements along the Scouting trail. This course offers more advanced understanding, tips and tricks of the program. Learning Objectives:
  • Advanced program options
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Special Needs and Disability Courses
    Course Number Course Title Description
    MSN 450 Essentials of Serving Scouts With Disabilities This course will provide Commissioners with knowledge to share with unit leaders so they can design a program providing these youth with the Scouting opportunities to succeed.
    Learning objectives:
  • Become familiar with key factors to respond to the need of these special youth.
  • Learn methods of Understanding – Patience – Common Sense.
  • Explore available resources: Tool kit – Guide – Manual.
  • Introduce the Individualized Scout Achievement Plan.
  • MSN 454 Special Needs Scouting – Autism This course will provide knowledge to share with unit leaders to provide a successful learning environment relating to Autistic youth.
    Learning objectives:
  • Discuss why Scouting is important to those with Autism.
  • Discuss characteristics and the variety of challenges.
  • Provide tips for leaders, outings, and advancement.
  • MSN 456 The Joining Conference, a Tool to Use for All Scouts There are many factors that can cause problems for a Scout with or without a special need. By knowing these factors in advance, you can prevent unnecessary problems, and enhance the scouting experience. “Forewarned is forearmed”. With that in mind, it is highly recommended that the units hold a joining conference for every new Scout.
    Learning objectives:
  • Discuss how to schedule a “joining Conference and who to invite.
  • What to discuss at a joining conference.
  • Define outcomes from the conference.
  • MSN 457 MESH-Mental, Emotional, and Social Harm in Scouting Virtually every unit will experience youth with Special Needs (Autism being most prevalent) These “invisible” disabilities can disrupt unit activities if leaders are not trained to cope with the issues.
    Learning objectives:
  • Provide Commissioners with knowledge to share with unit leaders.
  • Assist units to design meaningful programs to include Special Needs Scouts.
  • Participants will become familiar with the multiple characteristics common to SN Scouts and discuss tips to help Units, Scouts, and parents get the most out of the Scouting program.
  • MSN 458 Advancement For Scouts With Special Needs Participants of this course will become familiar with the “Rules of Engagement” for advancement in each of the Scouting program areas to help them to respond to the needs of these special youth.
    Learning objectives:
  • Become familiar with the “Rules of Engagement” for advancement.
  • Discuss several common disabilities, and issues.
  • Understand the Individual Scout Achievement Plan.